the 4-week habit booster...

your accountability partner to build a sustainable lifestyle in your 40's & beyond

No matter what healthy habit you need to focus on, this live group program will help you get there!


Join the wait list for the next enrollment

Let's face it Ladies...

You know what to eat and what is healthy BUT you just don't seem to be able to follow any guidelines

You recommit yourself to starting on Monday morning BUT then life gets in the way and you "Fall off the Wagon"

All you really want is to feel comfortable in your body and get results BUT you are frustrated and it seems impossible

You CAN break this cycle...You don't have to do it alone!

With the 4-week Habit Booster online group program you can finally get the support you need to create momentum and start to feel in control.

It's time to TAKE CHARGE and support your body with practical & simple-to-implement tools, under the guidance of an expert Clinical Dietician & Mindset Mentor

You are invited to leave feelings of guilt, shame, judgment & restriction in the past and enter a positive space of encouragement and community

I didn't want another restrictive diet to govern my life....

How can this program help me?

  • You’ll get a quick and powerful boost that will improve your eating habits; with small changes that are sustainable & easy to implement.

  • You’ll learn how to implement simple habits and achieve quick wins that can be carried through with you, long after our 4 weeks are over

  • You’ll learn how to balance your meals and your blood sugar levels, helping you to balance your hormone levels

  • You’ll discover mindfulness techniques with eating that will become second nature to you (e.g, finally learn how to stop eating and put down your knife & fork when you are full!)

  • You will start to build a positive relationship with yourself, your body, and the food you eat.

  • You will start to change your mindset and understand that giving your body nourishing foods and taking care of yourself is a treat not a punishment and the more you do it, the less you'll want to put food into your body that doesn't ultimately make you feel good.


"The 4-week habit booster"

Each week you will:

Feel supported and implement simple habits so you can feel motivated and stay on track

Meet on Zoom for a Group call facilitated by myself, Justine Friedman RDN (Clinical Dietician & Mindset Mentor) for the topic of the week's discussion and Q&A.

Check-in daily via the WhatsApp group with me & the other ladies when you have completed your assigned exercise.

Fill out your habit tracker and complete exercises in your workbook

Learn to habit stack and add a new quick win to continue to build the framework for positive and lasting habits.

We'll focus on these 4 important areas:

Nutrition in midlife & beyond

Stress management & Mindset shifts

Sleep hygiene


You'll come away with:

A deep sense of satisfaction and pride as you witness the positive changes in your body and mind

A better understanding of how to nourish & support your over 40 body so that you can have better energy and manage your weight without feeling deprived or restricted

How to implement easy habits and achieve quick wins that can be carried through with you, long after our 4 weeks are over

Tools to balance your meals and maintain stable blood sugar levels to reduce cravings

Tools to sleep better and lower the effects of stress on your body

Vagus nerve exercises that boost mood, improve metabolism, lower anxiety, reduce inflammation and improve overall health

The "3 B's Tool" my clients use to help them to reduce stress, boost energy, improve mood & more....

This 4-week program is right for you if you are:

  • Looking for a holistic way to nourish & support your changing body during perimenopause and menopause

  • Looking for clarity on the nutrition principles and practices that are most supportive for women in midlife

  • Ready to introduce mindful eating practices into your life and become more intuitive with what your body needs

  • Ready to remove the focus from the scale

  • ​Tired of feeling out of control with food

  • ​Looking for practical tools that you can implement in your busy life

This 4-week program is not for you if:

  • You are looking for a diet for quick weight loss

  • You have an active eating disorder and need 1:1 treatment- please seek professional medical help

  • ​You are not ready to create meaningful change

You too can have results like these....


How does the program work? (Click here to view)

This program caters to women over the age of 40 who are ready to kickstart a wellness protocol and have daily accountability in a group setting for the actionable steps

Once you are signed up you will receive a welcome email

We'll meet on Zoom for a kick-off call

Each week, we will meet live for a group discussion and Q&A- if you can't join live you will be able to watch the recording.

On each call, we will decide which habit will be worked on for the week to come. It must be easy enough to do and repeat daily to get a quick win.

You will join the community WhatsApp group where you will share your progress and thoughts and send through your daily accountability checks

You will receive a downloadable workbook with information, tips, exercises, and habit trackers to complete.

Each week we will habit stack and add a new quick win to continue to build the framework for positive and lasting habits.

At the end of the 4 weeks, you will have worked on 4 important areas. These are nutrition, stress management & mindset, sleep hygiene, and movement.

How will this be different from what I have tried before?

You will rediscover the pleasure of eating and discover the power of small but impactful changes.

All habits that you will create and build on are easy to implement and can be sustained after the 4 weeks

You will be guided by an expert clinical dietician and mindset mentor with over 20 years of experience in helping women understand their changing bodies, nurture a positive relationship with food and build a life of wellness to feel happier & comfortable in their bodies..

You will always get out what you put in so showing up for each call and completing the daily exercises and accountability checks will maximize your ability to create lasting change.

Your consistency and showing up are key elements to the success of this program

This is not a drastic weight loss program where you will be starved or deprived, this is about learning wellness habits that will improve your energy and health overall, begin to reduce stress levels, manage your weight and boost your self-confidence.

This program invites you to embrace a sustainable approach to weight management without having to eliminate entire food groups, go hours without eating or embrace crazy regimes like eating a litre of ice every day (yes, it’s a thing..)

It fosters a sense of empowerment so that you can be in charge of your own health and wellbeing

Feel positive that changes can be small and effective

Remove the overwhelm often created by strict and unrealistic diets

Remove the fear of restriction, rather focus on nourishing your body, mind, and soul

This is a space free from shame, judgment & guilt. Rather you will be encouraged and supported every step of the way

Enjoy eating, and realise that you're never going ‘on a diet’ again; you're just making small, gradual and doable changes that will make you feel better and better.

What happens after the 4-weeks are up?

You can choose to enroll for another 4-week period

You can move to work 1:1 with me in my 12-week package

You can join the waitlist for the next enrolment of "The Wellness Upgrade" 12-week online group coaching program

Your investment ₪1000

  • Daily facilitation & support from an expert Clinical Dietician and Mindset Mentor

  • Weekly Zoom group discussion and Q & A session

  • Replay available (within 24 hours)

  • A downloadable workbook with exercises & habit trackers

  • WhatsApp group for daily check-ins and support

  • Bonus: The Magic Wellness Switch bundle (Includes the 90-minute masterclass recording & workbook valued at ₪150) Click here to see more about it

the 4-week habit booster...

your accountability partner to build a sustainable lifestyle in midlife

Join the wait list for the next enrollment

About your presenter

Justine Friedman, RDN

Founder of "The Wellness Upgrade"

Clinical Dietician, Mindset Mentor, Speaker,

Nutrition Mentor to Belong.Life & Advisor to The Mental Wellness Society.

I have run a private practice since January 2000 and specialise in women's nutrition in midlife.

My goal is to empower women to establish a positive connection with their bodies and food, freeing them from dieting.

I use the latest research and a mindful approach to food to help clients shift their mindset, manage triggers, and intuitively understand their bodies' needs.

This understanding leads to the development of healthy habits allowing them to curb cravings, and eliminate self-sabotage through inner dialogue work.

My clients report improved energy levels, reduced anxiety and moodiness, better sleep, decreased brain fog and a more peaceful relationship with food.

They are better able to manage their weight and symptoms in perimenopause & menopause to achieve a sustainable and healthier lifestyle.

Your investment ₪1000

  • Daily facilitation & support from an expert Clinical Dietician and Mindset Mentor

  • Weekly Zoom group discussion and Q & A session

  • Replay available (within 24 hours)

  • A downloadable workbook with exercises & habit trackers

  • WhatsApp group for daily check-ins and support

  • Bonus: The Magic Wellness Switch bundle (Includes the 90-minute masterclass recording & workbook valued at ₪150) Click here to see more about it

Justine Friedman RDN Clinical Dietician & Mindset Mentor | Copyright ©2023 | All Rights Reserved